Friday, February 11, 2011

By: Jeremy Harvey, Jeff Goodemote

I think that when reading truth and lies, Nietzsche is saying that we need truth to live, but also says that that truth is a lie. Also the point I think he is trying to drive home is that the only reason that truth is considered to be good, and not evil is because society makes it that way and that it is generally excepted. But if someone were to say otherwise, then it would be considered out of the norm. Nietzsche states that "The liar is the person who uses the valid designations,the words in order to make something which is unreal to appear to be real," (pg.2)This supports what I am saying because the person who is telling the lie may in our standards, be telling the truth. which we destinguished is whatever society wants it to be, or whatever is accepted at that point in time. Nietzsche also says that the things we perceive to be true also could be one big illusion and compares it to the spiders web on the river blowing in the wind. When we see a particular thing, such as a clock, we first think of the word "clock", then we think of an image of a "clock". Even though we could be looking at a nice grandfather clock, we could be thinking about a clock that has meant something to us in our life. Its a metaphor of us seeing and image and then comparing that to a image we generally think of with that particular item. Because usually people see a clock as a boring machine on the wall and don't think of the ones we don't see on a regular basis that are colorful and bring life to a room or building. So since we have a preconceived notion of certain things, we dont see the individualism of the thing or being. Nietzsche in his writing displays dualism by comaping lie to truth and in turn comparing these to good and evil.

In our media clip we see the dualism of good vs evil. It is talking about how Sally is using more resources than she needs. Even though she knows using all these resources are wrong, she is torn into the good and evil sides. She has both voices inside her head trying to convience her into doing the good or evil thing. But in the end of it all she realizes how wasteful she is being and finds out that her consumption of just her resources that she is using for her benefit takes up more than her fair share. When she learns this she starts to make a change and starts conserving more of her resources. This clip demonstrates how we as humans can be so wasteful and potentially harmful to nature beacause of many resources we have at our desposal and how often we use them and hardly ever conserve. Also we see in this clip how much sally is unaware of what she is doing which shows us how ignorant we are with the resources we have. All in all this clip and the outcome is what we should be doing on a regular basis.

Nietzsche in his writing says that good is truth, and in our media clip Sally's good side says that she should recycle and conserve resources. While Nietzsche says that a lie is evil and then sally's evil side that says its not a big deal if she wastes valuable resources. In both scenarios this displays dualism from the good and evil stand point. When Sally sees all the appliances she is using and not recycling she sees the truth in wasting the resources, while her evil side is trying to lie to her by creating the illusion that she isnt doing anything wrong, just like Nietzsche says that the so called facts can be abstract illusions that we perceive to be true, but nobody actually knows if they are true.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeff,
    Some Feedback:

    No hyperlink to an article/ website

    You write about Nietzsche's essay on Truth and Lies. When Nietzsche is using the term "lie" and "anthropomorphism" he is speaking about how we define concepts like "good" and 'bad" and how we distinguish say "body" from "soul" or generalize all humans under the concept of "human." He is basically challenging philosophical idealism and logical positivism, which "forget" the sensual source of knowledge in which "truth" only arrives through human experience. IN this sense, he would challenge generalizations like master narratives that ascribe an essence or universalism of truth of meaning and purpose. This odes not mean he is saying there is no difference between true and false statements, only objective TRUTH and crafted LIES. Does this make sense?

    If you are having difficulty, read the summary in the instructions folder on blackboard.

    MEDIA: I'm glad you use an experience, but given that you might not have Nietzsche's concept of truth understood, it may not match well. Plus, the story is pretty vague and so it's difficult to draw out a connection. If you are going to draw on personal experience, be very specific. Again, try not to separate the discussion between the reading and media/experience. The piece will be better if you have a specific piece of text, image, or story to break down with the readings.
